At Happenings, we strive to make our audience available and within reach to small businesses of all sizes. We do this by offering 3 levels of service: à la carte advertising, AccessPass, and Creative Studio marketing services. Learn more our AccessPass and Creative Studio levels of partnership.


Advertising with absolutely no commitment.

Click here to order a la carte services online.



Our bundled plan to keep your business in front of our large, local audience all year long.


A customized, strategic full-service approach to your marketing and advertising.

Strategy • Editorialized Content • Collaborations • Event • Endless Opportunity

Learn more here


AccessPass is a simple, affordable solution to put your business in front of our large, local audience.

Choose your membership level:

AccessPass BASIC

AccessPass VIP

  • Banner Ad: Button Display Ad

    Did you know that it takes at least 27 repetitions for a customer to recognize a brand name before they can recall it? Display advertising is an effective way to increase brand awareness. A full-year banner to run in rotation throughout our network of websites. Basic Members receive a button banner ad (125 x 125 px) to run in rotation beneath our articles. Option to send unlimited new banner ad artwork and links. All artwork is created by and supplied by AccessPass member.

  • Social Media

    Your business will be included in the HM social media stories each week for #What'sHappeningWednesday. Each Wednesday, we share the social media posts of our AccessPass and Creative Studio members from the previous week.

  • Content Marketing: Guide Inclusions

    Get the most affordable sponsored content we offer with AccessPass Inclusion in every guide we publish; each year we do about 15 guides (subject to change), including Valentine's Day Guide, Summer Camp Guide, St. Patrick's Day Guide, Easter Guide, Mother's Day Guide, Memorial Day Guide, Summer Guide, Father's Day Guide, 4th of July Guide, Back to School Guide, Fall Guide, Halloween Guide, Thanksgiving Guide, Holiday Guide, NYE Guide, and Love Local/Shop Local Guide. Each guide is promoted through our social media and email newsletter.

    Note: Are you looking for one of our popular sponsored articles, editorial photography, or narrative video products? These offerings are limited to our Creative Studio clients.

  • 20% off additional advertising

    Buy a la carte add-ons for 20% off. This includes all a la carte advertising (social media posts, newsletter sponsorships, Happening List sponsorships, event sponsorships, and one-off promotional features.

  • Event Invitations

    Opportunities to network, connect, & enjoy with other locals through our one-of-a-kind experiences, and we want to invite you.

  • Collaboration Priority

    Happenings is always looking to create value for AccessPass and Creative Studio members. Examples of additional collaborations include event hosting, reader contests/giveaways, influencer collaborations, B2B intros/synergies, and inclusions in non-sponsored content.

  • Banner Ad: Sidebar Display Ad

    Did you know that it takes at least 27 repetitions for a customer to recognize a brand name before they can recall it? Display advertising is an effective way to increase brand awareness. A full-year banner to run in rotation throughout our network of websites. VIP members receive a sidebar banner (300 x 250 px) on both home page and within articles. Option to send unlimited new banner ad artwork and links.

    ⇨ Plus! For VIP: The Happenings team will assist in regular creation and change of ads.

  • Social Media

    Your business will be included in the HM social media stories each week for #What'sHappeningWednesday. Each Wednesday, we share the social media posts of our AccessPass and Creative Studio members from the previous week.

    ⇨ Plus! For VIP: Receive at least 2 editorialized social media posts per year.

  • Content Marketing: Guide Inclusions

    Get the most affordable sponsored content we offer with AccessPass Inclusion in every guide we publish; each year we do about 15 guides (subject to change), including Valentine's Day Guide, Summer Camp Guide, St. Patrick's Day Guide, Easter Guide, Mother's Day Guide, Memorial Day Guide, Summer Guide, Father's Day Guide, 4th of July Guide, Back to School Guide, Fall Guide, Halloween Guide, Thanksgiving Guide, Holiday Guide, NYE Guide, and Love Local/Shop Local Guide. Each guide is promoted through our social media and email newsletter.

    Note: Are you looking for one of our popular sponsored articles, editorial photography, or narrative video products? These offerings are limited to our Creative Studio clients.

  • Email Marketing: Event Roundup

    Each month, our newsletter is sent to over 650k readers.

    ⇨ For VIP!  Inclusion within our monthly event roundup feature. Check out an example of a newsletter here

  • 20% off additional advertising

    Buy a la carte add-ons for 20% off. This includes all a la carte advertising (social media posts, newsletter sponsorships, Happening List sponsorships, event sponsorships, and one-off promotional features.

  • Event Invitations

    Opportunities to network, connect, & enjoy with other locals through our one-of-a-kind experiences, and we want to invite you.

  • Collaboration Priority

    Happenings is always looking to create value for AccessPass and Creative Studio members. Examples of additional collaborations include event hosting, reader contests/giveaways, influencer collaborations, B2B intros/synergies, and inclusions in non-sponsored content.


  • Banner Ad: larger size advantageous placement

  • Banner Ad: design and change assistance

  • Additional editorialized social media posts (qty: 2)

  • Inclusion in monthly newsletter event roundup

AccessPass BASIC

Total Value: $9,252

Your cost: $624/year

AccessPass VIP

Total Value: $12,888

Your cost: $791 /year

AccessPass BASIC

  • Banner Ad: Button Display Ad

    Did you know that it takes at least 27 repetitions for a customer to recognize a brand name before they can recall it? Display advertising is an effective way to increase brand awareness. A full-year banner to run in rotation throughout our network of websites. Basic Members receive a button banner ad (125 x 125 px) to run in rotation beneath our articles. Option to send unlimited new banner ad artwork and links. All artwork is created by and supplied by AccessPass member.

  • Social Media

    Your business will be included in the HM social media stories each week for #What'sHappeningWednesday. Each Wednesday, we share the social media posts of our AccessPass and Creative Studio members from the previous week.

  • Content Marketing: Guide Inclusions

    Get the most affordable sponsored content we offer with AccessPass Inclusion in every guide we publish; each year we do about 15 guides (subject to change), including Valentine's Day Guide, Summer Camp Guide, St. Patrick's Day Guide, Easter Guide, Mother's Day Guide, Memorial Day Guide, Summer Guide, Father's Day Guide, 4th of July Guide, Back to School Guide, Fall Guide, Halloween Guide, Thanksgiving Guide, Holiday Guide, NYE Guide, and Love Local/Shop Local Guide. Each guide is promoted through our social media and email newsletter.

    Note: Are you looking for one of our popular sponsored articles, editorial photography, or narrative video products? These offerings are limited to our Creative Studio clients.

  • 20% off additional advertising

    Buy a la carte add-ons for 20% off. This includes all a la carte advertising (social media posts, newsletter sponsorships, Happening List sponsorships, event sponsorships, and one-off promotional features.

  • Event Invitations

    Opportunities to network, connect, & enjoy with other locals through our one-of-a-kind experiences, and we want to invite you.

  • Collaboration Priority

    Happenings is always looking to create value for AccessPass and Creative Studio members. Examples of additional collaborations include event hosting, reader contests/giveaways, influencer collaborations, B2B intros/synergies, and inclusions in non-sponsored content.

AccessPass BASIC

Total Value: $9,252

Your cost: $624/year

AccessPass VIP

  • Banner Ad: Sidebar Display Ad

    Did you know that it takes at least 27 repetitions for a customer to recognize a brand name before they can recall it? Display advertising is an effective way to increase brand awareness. A full-year banner to run in rotation throughout our network of websites. VIP members receive a sidebar banner (300 x 250 px) on both home page and within articles. Option to send unlimited new banner ad artwork and links.

    ⇨ Plus! For VIP: The Happenings team will assist in regular creation and change of ads.

  • Social Media

    Your business will be included in the HM social media stories each week for #What'sHappeningWednesday. Each Wednesday, we share the social media posts of our AccessPass and Creative Studio members from the previous week.

    ⇨ Plus! For VIP: Receive at least 2 editorialized social media posts per year.

  • Content Marketing: Guide Inclusions

    Get the most affordable sponsored content we offer with AccessPass Inclusion in every guide we publish; each year we do about 15 guides (subject to change), including Valentine's Day Guide, Summer Camp Guide, St. Patrick's Day Guide, Easter Guide, Mother's Day Guide, Memorial Day Guide, Summer Guide, Father's Day Guide, 4th of July Guide, Back to School Guide, Fall Guide, Halloween Guide, Thanksgiving Guide, Holiday Guide, NYE Guide, and Love Local/Shop Local Guide. Each guide is promoted through our social media and email newsletter.

    Note: Are you looking for one of our popular sponsored articles, editorial photography, or narrative video products? These offerings are limited to our Creative Studio clients.

  • Email Marketing: Event Roundup

    Each month, our newsletter is sent to over 650k readers.

    ⇨ For VIP!  Inclusion within our monthly event roundup feature. Check out an example of a newsletter here

  • 20% off additional advertising

    Buy a la carte add-ons for 20% off. This includes all a la carte advertising (social media posts, newsletter sponsorships, Happening List sponsorships, event sponsorships, and one-off promotional features.

  • Event Invitations

    Opportunities to network, connect, & enjoy with other locals through our one-of-a-kind experiences, and we want to invite you.

  • Collaboration Priority

    Happenings is always looking to create value for AccessPass and Creative Studio members. Examples of additional collaborations include event hosting, reader contests/giveaways, influencer collaborations, B2B intros/synergies, and inclusions in non-sponsored content.


  • Banner Ad: larger size advantageous placement

  • Banner Ad: design and change assistance

  • Additional editorialized social media posts (qty: 2)

  • Inclusion in monthly newsletter event roundup

AccessPass VIP

Total Value: $12,888

Your cost: $791 /year

Join AccessPass